Monday, May 21, 2012

Sex Hormones & Brain Function: New Research from our own Dr. Pauline Maki

The majority of maturing women know first-hand about the physical symptoms of menopause and the impact of these changes on energy, mood, sleep patterns, and overall functioning. But is this the whole story on hormones and aging? 

It turns out that the impact of hormones on our bodies may extend into cognition as well. Researchers are actively studying possible links between hormones and mental functioning to determine the exact extent that our mental functioning may be impacted by fluctuating hormone levels during menopause and beyond.

Our very own UIC BIRCWH Program Director, Dr. Pauline Maki, was recently featured on an ABC Channel 7 "HealthBeat" segment to discuss her research on the effects of sex hormones and phytoestrogens on cognition and brain function in women. Dr. Maki's preliminary research suggests that hormone therapy may benefit memory and mood. While this does not mean that hormone replacement therapy is recommended as a solution to boost memory and mood, it does point to another important aspect of aging and menopause that has clear implications: Dr Maki hopes that her research may eventually be used to help doctors individualize hormone therapy for aging women. 

Check out a video of the broadcast online.