Former BIRCWH scholar Joanna Burdette was featured in the November 28 issue of UIC news for her work on examining the link between ovarian cancer and ovulation. While ovarian cancer remains prevalent, especially among post-menopausal women, the specific epithelial subtype responsible for disease development is not entirely known.
Dr. Burdette is exploring the relationship between the hormonal changes involved in ovulation and the development of ovarian cancer- specfically, how ovulation may impact a signaling pathway that transforms healthy cells into cancer. Her works foucses on the development of ovarian cancer in the cells of two distinct areas: the ovarian surface and the lining of the fallopian tubes.
Dr. Burdette is accomplishing her work though the development of three-dimensional cell cultures within the laboratory, and focusing on one particular signaling molecule called Akt, which has been demonstrated to be activated in the development of ovarian cancer .
The full article, featuring an interview with Dr. Burdette, can be found online.
We continue to be impressed and inspired by our BIRCWH scholars, both present and former, and their contributions to women's health research!
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