open-angle glaucoma (POAG), a prevalent, chronic, blinding condition,
negatively impacts general health and daily life functions among vulnerable,
elderly women. Globally, women
comprise the majority of individuals with glaucoma and blindness. Recent evidence
suggests that specific genes, influenced by environmental exposure, contribute
to POAG. POAG is more prevalent among African Americans (5.6%)
and Hispanics (4.7%) compared with Whites (1.7%), but there is limited
information on the gene-environment interactions among minorities. In this study, Dr. Vajaranant will test the feasibility of obtaining medical records to assess the
accuracy of self-reported glaucoma outcomes and participant interest in
participating in ancillary glaucoma studies. If successful, this research model could serve as a cost-effective way to examine the role of the gene-environment on POAG in the future. Greater insight into the role of gene-environment on POAG holds great potential in improving eye health and preventing a common cause among blindness that affects elderly women of all races and ethnicities.
Congrats, Dr. Vajaranant!