Monday, July 16, 2012

Welcome, Dr. Melissa Lamar!

The UIC BIRCWH team would like to introduce our newest BIRCWH associate, Dr. Melissa Lamar. Dr. Lamar's research at UIC - including her recently funded K01 from NIH- focuses on identifying vascular risk factors disrupting neurocircuitry associated with the prefrontal cortex using novel neuroimaging markers including myelin mapping and the impact these factors have on executive dysfunction and depression in an aging population. 
Dr. Lamar has a long-standing interest in the neurobiological mechanisms underlying cognitive and affective dysfunction in normal and pathological aging. She has focused on structural and functional neuroimaging technologies including learned during her time at the Laboratory of Personality and Cognition, National Institute on Aging (NIA) and the Institute of Psychiatry (IOP), King’s College London. Dr. Lamar focuses on experimental paradigms from both non-human primate and human lesion studies to strengthen the neuroanatomical accuracy of her work. She melds this neuroimaging approach with the Boston Process Approach to Clinical Neuropsychology. In addition to her research activities, Dr. Lamar serves as a member of staff on the Neuropsychology Service within the Department of Psychiatry.

Welcome, Melissa, and we look forward to working with you!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Congratulations to former scholar Hyun-Young Jeong!

The BIRCWH program at UIC remains invested in our former scholars and we take great pride in their continued successes.We are excited to congratulate our former scholar Hyun-Young Jeong, PharmD, PhD, on her recent promotion to Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice and Biopharmaceutical Sciences.

Dr. Jeong's primary interests include regulation of drug metabolizing enzymes in livers, altered pharmacokinetics of drugs in pregnancy, and general clinical/preclinincal pharmcokinetics. Additional areas of interest include molecular pharmacology, population pharmacokinetics, and nuclear receptors. 

We wish Dr. Jeong continued success in her new role, and have great confidence in her academic future. Congratulations, Dr. Jeong, from the UIC BIRCWH community!